Dr. Richard Wiggins

Dr. Richard Wiggins
Axial standard algorithm image from a contrasted CT of the cervical soft tissues.  This image was obtained at the level of the mandible.

Case of the Month Answer, February 2014

The Answer ectopic lingual thyroid Discussion This rare embryological anomaly originates from a failure of descent of the normal thyroid. The most common site of an ectopic lingual thyroid is the base of the tongue at the foramen caecum. This anomaly is more common in women. These are usually asymptomatic, and in a majority of […]

Axial standard algorithm image from a contrasted CT of the cervical soft tissues.  This image was obtained at the level of the mandible.

Case of the Month, February 2014

Axial standard algorithm image from a contrasted Red CT of the cervical soft tissues. This image was obtained at the level of the mandible. Axial standard algorithm image from a contrasted CT of By the cervical soft tissues. This image is through the low neck at the thoracic inlet. Two axial />– standard algorithm images […]